How much should I pay my Butler?

How much should I pay my butler? In our latest household staff salary guide, we look at the average gross salary for a range of domestic staff based within the UK. This guide has been compiled using Stafftax payroll data from the 19/20 tax year. Figures are rounded to the nearest pound, based on a […]

Household Staff Salary Guide

How much should I pay my household staff? Using our exclusive data we’ve created this domestic staff salary guide that reveals the average gross hourly and annual salaries for different types of domestic staff roles within the private staffing sector. The averages are calculated from 2018/19 Stafftax payroll data and based on a 50 hour […]

Gross vs Net

Gross vs Net What Is The Difference? Gross pay is your employee’s take-home salary plus income tax, employee’s national insurance and any other payments that come out of their salary – such as employee pension contributions, student loans, tax on benefits, tax owed from previous jobs, etc. Net pay is the money that your employee […]