End-to-end payroll solution for domestic employers

Ease the burden of your monthly payroll obligations with our premium add on services, Stafftax Plus and Workplace Pensions.

With our Stafftax Plus service, we’ll not only ensure your staffs’ salary payments are made correctly and on time, but also pay HMRC your tax and National Insurance liabilities on your behalf too.

With our Workplace Pensions service, we’ll automatically enrol all eligible staff into a pensions scheme saving you the time and stress of organising a pension.

Our Premium Add-On Service

Stafftax Payroll Plus

With Stafftax Payroll Plus, we’ll make the payments every month to your staff and to HMRC on your behalf therefore there are no calls upon your time once you’re set up.

As long as your employee is on a fixed salary and is paid monthly, you can add this onto your payroll subscription for only an additional £17.50 per month and we can get you set up in minutes.

If you are already a Stafftax client, you will need to upgrade over the phone. Call us on 020 3137 4407 to subscribe to Stafftax Payroll Plus.

Stafftax Agency Directory | Domestic Agency | Stafftax

"Stafftax has always made paying my nanny or housekeeper a breeze and means that complicated tax and NI contributions are calculated and payslips done. I reccomend them highly."

Chandrima - Stafftax Customer



"Excellent Service. I have been dealing with Stafftax on behalf of my boss now for a few years and they have always been more than helpful. Any request made has been dealt with immediately."

Flavia - Stafftax Customer



"Can highly recommend NannyTax/StaffTax for payroll needs."

Jill - Stafftax Customer



"I have found Mark to be very helpful, patient and good at his job."

Harriet - Stafftax Customer



"We used our accountant to manage the payroll of our nanny and then our housekeeper before I heard of you. Without a doubt your service is more efficient, cheaper and better. When I had a question during furlough, I was able to speak to a person and once I sent in a question by email and it was answered."

Juliet - Stafftax Customer



"I value reliability above all else. Stafftax scores highly on this - the knowledge that I can pass on the necessary information and it will be translated to HMRC correctly, at the right time, all the time."

Robert - Stafftax Customer


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Complete Auto Enrolment Pension Scheme

Workplace Pensions

The UK government now requires all employers to offer a pensions scheme and automatically enrol eligible staff into it.

Save yourself the time and stress of organising a pension with our Auto Enrolment Workplace Pensions solution. This competitive service can be added on to both our Standard and Plus payroll services and automatically enrols new and existing eligible staff into the government’s workplace pension scheme on your behalf.

Workplace Pensions | Stafftax


Payroll & HR

£276per annum
  • (£40 surcharge for weekly payslips)


  • All domestic employee payroll
  • Payslips, P45's and P60's
  • Deal with HMRC
  • Unlimited payroll support
  • Bespoke contract of employment
  • Unlimited Employment Law advice and Support

Payroll, HR & Pension

£365per annum
  • (£60 surcharge for weekly payslips with pension)


  • Includes everything from our Payroll & HR Service
  • Plus our complete end-to-end Workplace Pensions Service

Payroll, HR, Pension & Plus

£575per annum
  • (£60 surcharge for weekly payslips with pension)


  • Includes everything from our Payroll, HR & Pensions Service
  • We'll make the salary payments directly to your staff (not applicable for weekly payslips)
  • We'll pay your Tax and NI Liabilities to HMRC


  • Stafftax Plus will be charged monthly by direct debit (£17.50pm).

Our Auto Enrolment Workplace Pensions Service

As part of our complete end-to-end pensions service, here are the top 8 things we’ll support you and your employee with.


Create a NEST pension scheme on behalf of the employer.


Ensure all legally required communications are sent to the employees within the deadlines required and keep comprehensive Auto Enrolment records.


Enrol all employees that meet the criteria for Auto Enrolment into a NEST pension scheme.


Calculate pension contributions per pay period and display them on the payslip.


Whenever possible, apply postponements to new employees to cover probationary periods.


Inform The Pensions Regulator when your duties have been completed by submitting a Declaration of Compliance.


Make payments into NEST each pay period within the legal deadlines and manage any ‘Opt-In’ and ‘Opt-Out’ requests.


Manage the on-going duties, such as completing your ‘Re-Declaration’ every 3 years to inform The Pensions Regulator you are still compliant with the Auto Enrolment legislation.

How can Stafftax help you

Domestic Staff Payroll & HR Service

We understand you might prefer to talk to someone about employing a domestic worker, discuss our services and answer any queries you may have.

Our friendly team are available to talk 7-days a week, from 8.30am – 7.30pm, Monday to Friday and 10am to 4pm on Saturday and Sunday, on 020 3137 4407.

Alternatively you can get set up with Stafftax straight away by joining us now online.

Online sign up is unavailable for our 3 and 6 month subscriptions.

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Employment Costs

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